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  • thomasulrike1989

Airport Utility App for Mac: Learn How to Use AirPort Utility on Your Mac

I have a simple network setup, and have read some initial reviews that say the new Airport Utility 6 for Mac OS X lacks some of the advanced settings that the older utility provides. I depend on those settings for my network to operate properly.

This is a small Java-based utility that permits the measurement of signal strength and noise on wireless links between an Airport Base Station and the wireless hosts associated to it, permitting the selection of the specific wireless host whose link is to be tested and displaying bar graphs of signal strength and noise. This utility was built using the information on the undocumented* MIB variables (posted here).

airport utility app for mac

Apple also outdated on there site -setup.html LOL :) apple your slow now I'm going to go back date my airport :( I'm sad like hell but i well use it on a other airport but my main airport I'm back dating it

i have a weird setup that isn't registering. I have a Time Capsule that acts as my router, and an Airport Express that's hooked by ethernet to the router, so all the wireless operates at N speeds, while airplay works over the ethernet. New version only sees the express and not the capsule, but I'm afraid to restart things and redoing the set up incase the new utility breaks it.

The new utility won't break anything until you apply settings. My advice is to stick to 5.5.3/5.6 if everything is working. There's no particular advantage in using 6.0 at this point in time except visualization, which you don't need.

Another functionality that disappeared is the ability to roll back the firmware update to an older version. Old utility listed all firmware files. new utility keeps this hidden and only allows an upgrade. Very bad if the new version gets you in trouble.

Thanks to you....after my software update auto downloaded Utiltiy 6.0 - I went back and downloaded 5.6 and it easily shows my old airport express units again that are tethered to my Extreme base station. Though Apple support did tell me that the system was working prior - just couldn't access any info about the old express units.

It looks like I've been bitten by 6.0. After finally making the move to iCloud, I had to reenter my Apple ID's password in the Back to my Mac section of the 6.0 utility to reenable the feature. After the update of the base station, my two legacy 802.1g Express' have disappeared. I had been using them successfully with WDS in your mixed solution but updating the password seems to have wiped out that configuration. Not sure if I can get them back. Will see how the network performs without them.

You can stil grab the old version of the utility from Apple, though you need a little help to install the app on Mountain Lion, since the installer (falsely) reports that AirPort Utility 5.6 is incompatible with Mac OS X 10.8.

But the arp utility is only looking up entries in a cached table of machines yours has had some kind of connection with. This means that may see names/addresses of machines that have shut down or left the network but are still cached, and machines that yours has had no contact with may not show up at all.

Cool, thanks, I hadn't figured out the option double click yet. I used to have this AppleScript that opened Airport Utility and each of my access points to the page listing the wireless connections. It arranged everything on the desktop along with a key to match the Mac addresses to the names.I was pretty disappointed that the old utility doesn't work in Mavericks. It makes the device less useful, I really don't know what they were thinking. We have Extremes at my office and configure them with Windows but might have to stop buying them if this is the direction Apple is going in.

In both cases, sudo airport -I does not reflect the change. Wireshark continues to report packets from the channel you were previously monitoring (such as channel 3), rather than the channel you are trying to change to (12 or 13)

I was wondering, before purchasing the Airport Extreme ( -apples-airport-extreme-is-a-safe- choice.html), if it was possible to connect my 3 Sony Airplay speakers ( to the 3 LAN Ports of the Airport Extreme and airplay simultaneously as multi-room audio from my Iphone without iTunes ? 2ff7e9595c

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