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Create a Download Progress Bar with JavaScript and Fetch API

How to Create a Download Progress Bar in JavaScript

Have you ever downloaded a large file from a website and wondered how long it would take? Or have you ever wanted to provide a better user experience for your visitors who download files from your site? If so, you might be interested in creating a download progress bar in JavaScript.

download progress bar javascript

A download progress bar is a graphical indicator that shows how much of a file has been downloaded and how much is left. It can also display other information such as download speed, remaining time, or file size. A download progress bar can improve user satisfaction and engagement by providing feedback and transparency.

In this article, we will show you how to create a simple but effective download progress bar in JavaScript using two main steps:

  • Fetching the file with XMLHttpRequest

  • Displaying the progress bar with Bootstrap

By the end of this article, you will be able to create your own download progress bar in JavaScript and customize it according to your needs.

Fetching the File with XMLHttpRequest

The first step to create a download progress bar in JavaScript is to fetch the file that you want to download from a server. For this purpose, we will use XMLHttpRequest, which is an object that allows you to send and receive data from a server asynchronously.

To use XMLHttpRequest, we need to create an instance of it and then call its open() method with three parameters: the HTTP method (GET), the URL of the file, and a boolean value indicating whether the request should be asynchronous (true). Then we need to set its responseType property to 'blob', which means that we want to get the file as a binary large object (blob).

Next, we need to add two event listeners to the XMLHttpRequest object: one for the onprogress event and one for the onload event. The onprogress event is fired periodically while the file is being downloaded, and it gives us information about the download progress. The onload event is fired when the file is fully downloaded, and it gives us access to the file as a blob.

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The onprogress event handler function takes an argument called event, which has two properties: loaded and total. The loaded property is the number of bytes that have been downloaded so far, and the total property is the total size of the file. We can use these properties to calculate the percentage of the download progress and the download speed.

The onload event handler function does not take any arguments, but it can access the response property of the XMLHttpRequest object, which is the file as a blob. We can use this property to save or open the file using a URL.createObjectURL() method, which creates a temporary URL for the blob.

Here is an example of how to use XMLHttpRequest to fetch a file and track its download progress:

// Create a new XMLHttpRequest object var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Open a GET request for the file URL'GET', ' true); // Set the response type to 'blob' xhr.responseType = 'blob'; // Add an event listener for the onprogress event xhr.onprogress = function(event) // Calculate the percentage of the download progress var percent = Math.round((event.loaded / * 100); // Calculate the download speed in KB/s var speed = Math.round(event.loaded / ( - startTime)); // Display the progress and speed in console console.log('Downloaded ' + percent + '% at ' + speed + ' KB/s'); ; // Add an event listener for the onload event xhr.onload = function() // Get the file as a blob var file = xhr.response; // Create a temporary URL for the file var url = URL.createObjectURL(file); // Save or open the file using the URL // For example, you can use an anchor tag with the download attribute var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = url; = '';; ; // Send the request xhr.send();

Displaying the Progress Bar with Bootstrap

The second step to create a download progress bar in JavaScript is to display the progress bar on the web page using Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a popular framework that provides ready-made components and styles for web development. One of its components is a progress bar, which is a simple element that shows a visual indicator of progress.

To use Bootstrap, we need to include its CSS and JavaScript files in our HTML document. We can use a CDN (content delivery network) to load them from an external source, or we can download them and host them locally. Here is an example of how to include Bootstrap from a CDN:

<!-- Load Bootstrap CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=" <!-- Load Bootstrap JavaScript --> <script src="

Next, we need to create a progress bar element in our HTML document using Bootstrap's classes and attributes. A progress bar element consists of a container div with the class .progress and a child div with the class .progress-bar. The child div also has some attributes that control its appearance and behavior, such as style, role, aria-valuemin, aria-valuemax, and aria-valuenow. Here is an example of how to create a progress bar element with Bootstrap:

<!-- Create a progress bar element --> <div > <div style="width: 0%" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="0"> <span>0%</span> </div> </div>

Finally, we need to use JavaScript to update the progress bar element according to the download progress. We can do this by selecting the progress bar element using document.querySelector() and then modifying its style.width, aria-valuenow, and innerText properties. We can also add some logic to hide or show the progress bar depending on whether the download has started or finished. Here is an example of how to update the progress bar element with JavaScript:

// Select the progress bar element var progressBar = document.querySelector('.progress-bar'); // Define a variable to store the start time of the download var startTime; // Update the progress bar element when the onprogress event is fired xhr.onprogress = function(event) // Calculate the percentage of the download progress var percent = Math.round((event.loaded / * 100); // Calculate the download speed in KB/s var speed = Math.round(event.loaded / ( - startTime)); // Show the progress bar element if it is hidden if ( === 'none') = 'block'; // Update the progress bar width, value, and text = percent + '%'; progressBar.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', percent); progressBar.innerText = 'Downloaded ' + percent + '% at ' + speed + ' KB/s'; ; // Hide the progress bar element when the onload event is fired xhr.onload = function() // Hide the progress bar element = 'none'; ;


In this article, we have learned how to create a download progress bar in JavaScript using XMLHttpRequest and Bootstrap. We have seen how to fetch a file from a server and track its download progress using the onprogress and onload events. We have also seen how to display and update a progress bar element on the web page using Bootstrap's classes and attributes and JavaScript's properties and methods.

Creating a download progress bar in JavaScript can enhance your web development skills and improve your user experience. You can use this technique to create your own download progress bars for different types of files and scenarios. You can also customize and extend the functionality and appearance of your progress bars according to your preferences and requirements.

Here are some tips and resources for further learning:

  • Learn more about [XMLHttpRequest] and its properties and methods.

  • Learn more about [Bootstrap] and its components and styles.

  • Learn more about [Blob] and its methods and properties.

  • Learn more about [URL.createObjectURL()] and its usage and limitations.

  • Learn more about [JavaScript] and its features and functions.


Here are some frequently asked questions about creating a download progress bar in JavaScript:

  • Q: How can I show the remaining time for the download?

  • A: You can use the formula (total - loaded) / speed to estimate the remaining time, where total is the file size, loaded is the downloaded bytes, and speed is the download speed. You can calculate the speed by dividing loaded by elapsed time. You can then format the remaining time as hours, minutes, and seconds using JavaScript.

  • Q: How can I handle errors or cancellations during the download?

  • A: You can use the onerror and onabort events of XMLHttpRequest to handle errors or cancellations. You can also use the abort() method of XMLHttpRequest to cancel the download programmatically. You should update the progress bar accordingly to show an error or cancellation message.

  • Q: How can I support older browsers that do not support XMLHttpRequest or Blob?

  • A: You can use a polyfill library such as [fetch] or [blob-polyfill] to provide compatibility for older browsers. Alternatively, you can use a different method of downloading files, such as using an anchor tag with the download attribute or using a server-side script.

  • Q: How can I customize the appearance and behavior of the progress bar?

  • A: You can use CSS and JavaScript to modify the style and functionality of the progress bar. For example, you can change the color, height, animation, or position of the progress bar using CSS. You can also add features such as pause, resume, or cancel buttons using JavaScript.

  • Q: How can I test and debug my code for creating a download progress bar?

  • A: You can use tools such as [Chrome DevTools] or [Firefox Developer Tools] to inspect and modify your code, monitor network activity, and simulate different scenarios. You can also use console.log() statements or breakpoints to check the values of variables and functions.


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